General info:
ModelCanon PowerShot A20
Basic shot info:
Focal Length5.41 mm; equivalent: 26 mm
Subject Distance0.56 m
Aperture ValueF2.9
FlashFlash fired
Metering ModeMulti-segment
Shutter Speed Value1/32 sec
Advanced shot info:
Exposure Bias Value0
Exposure Time1/60 sec
Max Aperture ValueF2.8
Exif-related info:
Exif Version2.10
Exif Image Width640 pixels
Exif Image Height480 pixels
Color SpacesRGB
CompressionJPEG compression
User Comment
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Comment: Ferementing in 35 Liter Glass Ballons.
emptyKettle * Draining kettle.  I did it this way a few times but went back to directly draining kettle into fermenters. * 480 x 640 * (31KB)

coolingKettle * Cooling wort using immersion cooler. * 480 x 640 * (31KB)

wortpipeline * Draining the wort into the fermenter. * 360 x 480 * (36KB)

fillingFermenters * Filling Fermenters and aereating with fishtank pump. * 640 x 480 * (34KB)

fillingFermentersLower * Filling fermenters. * 360 x 480 * (21KB)

Click for the original image
fementersfermenting * Fermenters fermenting.  The fourth one is slightly out of the picture * 480 x 360 * (20KB)

Cleaning * 360 x 480 * (37KB)

Brushing_Up * 360 x 480 * (62KB)

CheckingWork * 419 x 480 * (36KB)

More_Cleaning * 360 x 480 * (50KB)

FermentingBallons.JPG - 640 x 480 - (58KB)
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5/18/02 6:49 PM
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Album last updated on 4/4/04 8:47 PM